Bishops Hill

David Kaye
1 August 2019

Twenty-four hours before the August walk we had a fine contingent of 9 walkers signed up. Four then pulled out as they believed the weather forecast (yes, seriously)!

Mike, being a man of some perspicacity, waited until the probability of rain all day hit 84% ( a magical figure which all but guarantees a dry walk) before joining the party.

So it was that Mike, Elaine and Finn, Sarah and Cosmo, Pamela, Maureen and David gathered at the appointed hour at the scenic Holl reservoir. This occasioned yet another entry for the Marauders in the Guinness Book of Records - we are the only walking group in the known universe to have three dogs, two of which are called Finn!

We set off in perfect walking conditions, a zephyr breeze, cloud cover, not a drop of rain, and all the hill-tops clear. Our route took us by Ballo and Harperleas (didn’t she write To Kill a Mocking Bird) reservoirs, then along Glen Vale with the best ever views of West Lomond, before heading up along the broad ridge overlooking Loch Leven, and finally a short pull onto the summit of Bishop Hill.

The views now were outstanding, taking in Ben Ledi, Ben Vorlich and Stuc a Chroin. We had enjoyed two short, gentle showers but there was no rain on the top.

During the descent via the Munduff plantation, we did encounter proper rain, but didn’t care by that stage.

The lovely, circular walk was a smidgeon shorter than the recommended route, but we completed it in 4 hours as opposed to the advertised 5 hours.

In keeping with tradition, we all retired to the Farm Shop by Scotlandwell for capuccinos (ooh I say, we’ll be joining the Bojo fan club next) and cheesecakes.

Everyone expressed delight that we had been rewarded for our optimism via-a-vis the weather with a super walk.

Apologies for the lack of photographic evidence, but we didn’t want to rub the non-attenders noses in it.

September Meet

Given the success of a relatively local walk which none had done before, up a moderately sized hill, I propose more of the same for our next outing - a circular walk taking in Craig Rossie (410m) and the hilltop fort on Ben Effray (359m). The start point is Pairney Farm on the B8062 near Auchterarder. The date - Friday 27th September.