
David Kaye
1 April 2018

Yesterday Jim and Marion, Al and Isobel, Mike and David assembled at the riverside car park in Peebles for an ascent of the mighty Cademuir Hill.

Despite postponing the Meet from the previous week (when the weather turned out to be gorgeous) we enjoyed conditions reminiscent of Bob Hope’s famous quip about enjoying all four seasons in his back-swing. We had rain, wind, sun and hail. Fortunately the wet stuff was short in duration and we were able to enjoy views to the Glen Sax hills and beyond.

We made good use of the famous Cademuir hill forts by sheltering in the rocks for First Lunch before heading down to the picnic benches by the Tweed for Second Lunch.

Mike led the route and predicted a 3:30 finish. We had advised all participants to bring torches for the final part of the walk through the Dark and Scary Tunnel. In true Marauder fashion we ended up with two and a half torches between six of us. The half was David’s old hand-held torch whose beam was such that there was some debate as to whether he had remembered to switch it on. By judiciously placing Jim on one side and Marion on the the other, David was able to ensure that he never actually walked into either of the walls.

Despite this, we arrived back at the cars at 3:30 precisely! I suspect Mike engineered this by introducing stimulating political debates at regular intervals to slow us up.

We adjourned to Coltman’s in the High Street for best-ever teas and sticky buns. Another excellent day in the annals of the Marauders.

And so to May.   I’m delighted to welcome Sandra back to the fold after her short sabbatical. She has volunteered to lead us on a comprehensive examination of the Lomonds of Fife on Friday 11th May. This should be most enjoyable and within the compass of elderly gentlemen like me.

Please let me know if you are free to attend. More details will be revealed nearer the time.

Cheers,  David.