Stob Binnein

David Kaye
21 April 2017

In the end, a small but select group of Jack, David and new recruit Fiona set off for Stob Binnein yesterday.

The weather turned out to be far better than forecast, with stunning views down the length of Loch Voil. Progress was faster than I had anticipated and we got round inside 5 hours to return to the cars by 3 o’clock, as opposed to my target of 4:30. We then retired to the funky Mhor 84 cafe and restaurant where hot chocolates and sticky buns were kindly supplied by Fiona.

Scientific studies of The Marauders have now drawn two conclusions.

1. There is a causal link between people with a Christian name beginning with J and freak accidents.

Between them, the two Jims and Jack have been beaten up by a greenhouse, a hot-water bottle and a Corbett, in the last month.

2. Weather forecasting websites always exaggerate poor weather

Yesterday, the Met Office predicted “fog” all day. The dictionary definition of fog is “thick cloud-like mist near the ground”. There was no fog. In fact there was no mist whatsoever near the ground. We did encounter thin cloud-like mist higher up on the ridges, but visibility was never less than 50 meters. I know this for a fact as Jack aka “Red Leader” was always in view. Sadly the forecast put Big Al off a great day as he believed a) that weather forecasts were reliable and b) that Theresa imposed another election on us in the best interests of the British people, with no thought of party political gain.

For the May meet, we have a begging letter from Sandra requesting a date that she can manage. Friday 5th May fits the bill. Mike has entered a plea for An Socach by Glen Shee which we had to abort last year. As always, please let me know if you are up for the next adventure of the intrepid Marauders.
